I Vant to Drink Your Blood

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! BE CAREFUL OUT THERE! Last week, I went to a monthly Book Club that’s held in a local library and facilitated by a brilliant and good friend. Can you guess the book we read for October? Dracula by Bram Stoker. Perfect, right?! It’s a very good read, but DO NOT read it onceContinue reading “I Vant to Drink Your Blood”

Crushed It

Sammy Davis Jr. My first celebrity crush was this guy. The summer before I started high school I read his autobiography, Yes I Can, and I just crushed hard. All the Hollywood glamour, all the pain and suffering and racial injustice. And the eye, oh man the eye!!! Plus he was Jewish, and as aContinue reading “Crushed It”

Go Easy On Me

Sixteen months is a record for me. Over time I thought, why bother going back? It’s too hard, too embarrassing, too much failure, too exposing. But then one Saturday morning when, honestly, I am fantasizing about going way back to when Saturday mornings meant I could stay in my pajamas watching cartoons and eating CaptainContinue reading “Go Easy On Me”

My COVID Nineteen

I have gained and lost the same 5 pounds two or three times. After vowing to never let my dogs up on my new bedspread I caved and now have stairs next to the bed so they can climb up at their leisure. Going to the doctors is my biggest social outing. I even showerContinue reading “My COVID Nineteen”

Holy Eraser, I’ve Moved….

If you read this blog, well, more accurately, considering I haven’t posted in ages, if you used to read this blog, I’ve started blogging again but at a new WordPress home called In the Chair. Weird name, I know, but check it out when you get a chance and follow me there if you’d like.Continue reading “Holy Eraser, I’ve Moved….”

I Don’t Want the World to See Me

It’s not that I don’t like people. I’m just kind of an introvert. This is a hot topic right now and a way people are defining themselves thanks to books like Quiet. I bought the book but never read it, A friend of mine said she knows several people who did the exact same thing.Continue reading “I Don’t Want the World to See Me”

Hello Blogging My Old Friend

Why “In the Chair”? A girl’s gotta sit somewhere. Welcome to “In the Chair,” my new blog. It’s called “In the Chair” because all the writing greats and how-to-books and workshop instructors and motivational speakers tell you, get in the chair. Do the work, ship it, stop talking about it and just write. So IContinue reading “Hello Blogging My Old Friend”

It’s a Cold and It’s a Lonely Hallelujah

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. It’s been six months since my last blog post. Not that I have anything to write about. I suppose I could rant about  Donald Trump but if I get started I won’t stop. I could talk about this book I just finished that was the saddest story IContinue reading “It’s a Cold and It’s a Lonely Hallelujah”

I Shall Wear the Bottoms of my Trousers Rolled

Another birthday here and gone. Essentially nothing has changed. The same wish list that’s scribbled in my high school journals persists: 1) Have better posture 2) Loose weight 3) Become a Broadway star 4) Figure out the meaning of life. Is it weird that I think a few of these things are still possible? IContinue reading “I Shall Wear the Bottoms of my Trousers Rolled”