
In the Chair

It’s time to sit down and write.

Luna wants me to stop watching Netflix and write something…

  • I Vant to Drink Your Blood
    HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! BE CAREFUL OUT THERE! Last week, I went to a monthly Book Club that’s held in a local library and facilitated by a brilliant and good friend. Can you guess the book we read for October? Dracula byContinue reading “I Vant to Drink Your Blood”
  • Crushed It
    Sammy Davis Jr. My first celebrity crush was this guy. The summer before I started high school I read his autobiography, Yes I Can, and I just crushed hard. All the Hollywood glamour, all the pain and suffering and racialContinue reading “Crushed It”
  • My Sugar Boo
    I have heard, although I don’t know if I trust the sources, that there are people out there who do not like sweets. Seriously? If these humans do exist I don’t know how I feel about them. Hate, envy, disdain,Continue reading “My Sugar Boo”